Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bob Jones Propetic Word Confirmed in Nature--One Day Later

Eaglets Prepare to Leave the Nest!

Prophet Bob Jones came and gave a prophetic word to our school that he's been waiting 18 years to see come to pass. It is regarding three "Eagle's Nests" (prophetic training centers) that were prophesied to come to the Pacific Northwest. Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is the first of the three.

It was prophesied that when the school had 1,000 students, it would mark a timing for the release of this word. The "eaglets would leave the nest". We would become like 1,000 points of light like, a sunburst that will go throughout the world, signs and wonders would never ebb or end; and the "Billion Soul Harvest" would begin in earnest as we raise up the family of God around the world.

He gave this word to us on our Graduation Day--Sunday, May 17th. On Monday, May 18th, this word was confirmed in the natural on the FRONT PAGE of the local (Redding, CA) newspaper (the Record Searchlight) with the article, "First Flights Still a Few Weeks Away for Redding's Young Eagles"!! You can view the article at:

And oh, by the way, the eaglets' names are: Freedom, Spirit, and Hope!!

It's awesome how God arranges natural signs to confirm what He is saying in the Spirit to His people!! Even the heavens declare His glory, and the firmament His handiwork!! All of creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of God!!

Getting Ready to FLY!!
Josh & Jasmine

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