Wednesday, May 20, 2009

South Africa Trip Report

Mar/Apr 2009

Josh & Jasmine Greeson were part of a team of 20 from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) in Redding, CA; and are back from their Missions Trip to South Africa.

With our Team!

First, we went to Pretoria, where we trained Oasis Revival Church in Prophetic & Power Evangelism, and led them onto the streets for 2 days--We saw many saved, healed and blessed.

With Pastor Colin McGeer of Oasis Revival in Pretoria.

We visited a small Assembly of God church and a few other ministries operated by a 70-year old woman who had been healed of severe asthma in a healing meeting back in 1951.

Assembly of God Church in one of the townships.

One was “Race Relation Church” in the townships where we preached and ministered prophetically to the whole Youth Ministry and some of the adults.

“Race Relation Church” in the Lakeside township

Jasmine with team, prophesying over the youth.

We also went to a couple of children’s centers. One is run by a woman who has taken about 12 abandoned kids into her home. She’s seen several of them healed, of both physical and learning disabilities. They are destined to be world-changers!!

Jaz with one of the kids at the orphanage.

We also ministered to about 100 Christian boys in a Prison for ages approximately 14-21. We worshipped and called out the gold in their hearts.

Josh preaching on “Redeeming the Time”.

While there, we also spent time in Johannesburg. We went to a hospital in the townships, where we went room-to-room, bed-to-bed, praying for the sick. Two notable miracles we saw were: Arthur, who had experienced a stroke. His right hand could not move at all. After brief prayer, he could move his wrist and fingers again! His wife gasped and looked like she was going to faint... it was AWESOME!

Josh with Steven at the Hospital—The lame walked!!!

Then there was Steven, who couldn’t move or feel from the waist down. Our team prayed and first he could feel us poke his legs. Then he could move his toes, then feet, then legs. We got him up and had him walking and even laughing a bit. God is SO AMAZING!!!

Government subsidized block houses in the townships.

We visited a home for abandoned elderly people. We prayed for them and hung out with them for a short time.

Typical aluminum shack house in the townships

After Pretoria, we flew to East London, on the coast of the Indian Ocean.

With Pastor Nigel of His People Church in East London.

A lot of people showed up from all over (including Namibia and Botswana) just for our team, it was amazing… they were HUNGRY!!

We had some great times of soaking together in the presence of God. Our team trained and activated them in doing Treasure Hunts (prophetic evangelism), healing the sick (power evangelism), and prophetic art.

Worship at a His People Church Healing Service.

We did outreach with them and saw many more saved, healed and blessed. One lady’s deaf ear was healed, so she decided to bring her 18-month old daughter with cerebral palsy to the evening healing meetings. Before anyone could even pray, the child was walking, then running!!! The next morning, she fed herself for the first time… Praise God!!!

Jasmine praying for Pastor Debbie Desmond.

On our last day, they threw us a big braai (BBQ) at the Lion Park. We saw lots of animals and even got to hold a baby lion!

With a baby white lion on our day off visit to Lion Park.

On this trip, a lot of people were born again, healed, encouraged, trained, empowered and blessed—and it happened due to your faithfulness in prayer and giving. Thank you so much… God is your rewarder, and much fruit abounds to your account!

Josh & Jasmine Greeson

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