Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Philippines Trip -- March 2010

Greetings in the precious and wonderful name of our Lord Jesus!! Jasmine and I have returned from our trip to the Philippines. We’re sorry for the delay in getting this report to you, but we wanted to put together a photo slideshow to put online for you to watch!!


Video of Josh:

(Scroll down to the 6th video to see me teaching).

We were on a team of 24 revivalists from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, where we are currently 2nd Year students. Our whole team was together for the first couple of days, then we split up into 4 or 5 teams and spread around the country from Manila, to Davao, to Butuan. SO MUCH happened on the four teams that we can’t begin to recount to you all that God did—So we’ll focus mostly on some of the things we did with our small team.

The team checked into our hotel and went to the shopping mall to “relax.” While at the mall, several were saved, we had a blind eye open, and saw severe (wheelchair-level) arthritis of the knees totally healed—a nice day of shopping!

While in Manila, Jasmine and I were involved with a Prophetic Arts Conference (Church So Blessed in Quezon City), where we trained the churches in prophetic painting, music, dance, writing, basic prophetic words, children’s ministry, Treasure Hunts, etc—and how God uses all these things to bring Salvation, Healing and Deliverance to people in creative ways. We saw many saved and healed in these services as the church “practiced” on each other. Then we actually took them out to Quezon Memorial Park and activated them in the public! We saw SO MANY healed and saved in the park it was outrageous! A huge blessing was that today we also got to see Jasmine’s Grandparents and family! Yay! Jasmine and I also preached and ministered at Global City Harvest Church in Manila for their Sunday service.

The team did a large healing meeting at WisdomChurch in Laguna, Santa Rosa. Several hundred attended that night, and at least a couple hundred were saved. Here Jasmine and I saw TWO people being healed of the effects of stroke—both of them had lost the movement on one half of their body. After prayer, the lady received about 80% movement restored before we had to leave. Earlier the gentleman, Pablito, came in a wheelchair and couldn’t move his leg or arm. After some extended prayer, he was climbing stairs, jumping, and socking my hand like it was the devil’s face!

We also did a Pastors and Leaders’ meeting at Pasig Assemblies of God Church. They were from multiple churches connected to the Philippine A.G. denomination. After worshipping, preaching, teaching, etc., we saw God touch these pastors and leaders deeply. We saw so many people healed, blessed and encouraged there. We also saw a young lady in a wheelchair. While sitting in the chair, her feet were so crippled that her toes pointed behind her, with the soles pointing to the sky! After some long prayer ministry, we gradually saw God working a creative miracle so that her feet came all the way back down and around so they were just pointed downward a bit, as if she had some high-heeled shoes on… We

hope to hear that the power of God continued working in her, completing the miracle in her body after we had to leave to our next meeting!! I also remember one man there had metal rods in his back that limited his movement and caused great pain. After prayer he could bend and move freely without pain. I don’t know if God made the metal disappear, or if He made if flexible, or what—but He did a miracle—we know that much!

Metro Ministries (based in New York) does children’s ministry all over the planet. We had the pleasure of training the Metro Manila team in healing and the prophetic. Then we accompanied them to minister in the infamous Smokey Mountain garbage dump. There we went shack-to shack, ministering healing to people and inviting their

kids to come worship with us. We did healing, music, praying , teaching, face painting, balloon swords and crowns, and just had a blast loving on the kids for a couple of hours! I saw Jesus begin to color in a bleached out white spot in the iris of a little girl's eye. So amazing!!!

Our team did an outdoor healing crusade at Christ’s Household Church, near Manila. We went out into the surrounding neighborhoods with teenage former-gangsters-turned-Believers to invite pe

ople to the event. We went house-to-house and taught the kids hands-

on how to heal the sick, and then invited the families to bring people to the evening event. At the crusade, we did art, preached, and ministered God’s healing touch to a LOT of people. I had a group of about 5 teenagers with me and we got 2 people healed immediately, then the third was a woman who was completely blind in her right eye. We prayed for her for almost an hour and she gradually went from seeing black, to seeing light, to seeing fuzzy forms, to seeing faces clearly and identifying colors. At this meeting we also saw a woman that came with a back brace and walker leave without either one. A boy with cerebral palsy began to walk straight for the first time in his life! Praise God!!

One day, we had a half-day scheduled off to “rest.” We quickly toured the

Basilica Cathedral at Quiapo—a place where many people come to touch icons of Jesus on the cross in hopes of answering prayers or

getting healed. I spoke to a fortuneteller in the square in front of the

church, got her healed of shoulder pain; and suddenly we had a spontaneous healing explosion for over an hour. Every one of our team members instantly had

a never-ending line of people seeking healing. We saw a hunched over crippled man with crutches straightened out and walking, holding his crutches in the air, and a man blind in his right eye receive his sight among many other conditions healed. The only reason it ended when it did was because we had

to leave and get to the next meeting we were supposed to do.

Our smaller team of 7 then split off to connect with Destiny Ministries in Los Baños (the baths) and Destiny Calamba. We grew especially close to the

Destiny team while we were there— We were so blessed to be able to stay in the

home of one of the Pastors and get to know and love them like extended family! We ministered multiple times there. We ran numerous regular services and Youth services, where we preached to them, worshipped crazily, ministered in prayer and prophecy over every one of the people—most ended up in tears and/or on the floor under the power of God, as they were touched by God’s goodness and love for them.

We also did a Prophetic Arts conference there—So fun! Perhaps the most fun was our day with the College-aged kids. We taught and led them on Treasure Hunts on the campus of University of the Philippines – Los Banos, and we got some kids healed and saved. Then we had a special ministry time with the drama professor/director and the cast of the play, having a fun time.

During the course of this trip, our team met with the mayors of three cities, and with Bro. Eddie—a major presidential candida

te (perhaps the next president—we’ll find out in May!!!). We were able to minister to each of them

with a small team, give them prophetic art, pray and prophesy over them

, and

bless them in the Name of the Lord. They were extremely open, appreciative, blessed and encouraged. God gave us great favor with leaders to proclaim the will of God to be done in the governments.

We also went to a local prison in Los Baños, which housed about 330 prisoners or so. We got to preach, do drama and music, and minister healing and salvation to many there—all from the hallway between the 10 crowded cells that faced each other. We also ministered to the women

prisoners in their facility. Everyone that we prayed for there was healed! Jasmine ministered under the anointing, releasing the supernatural joy of the Lord. The women were released into joy unspeakable and

laughed in the spirit so hard they cried! We saw relationships restored and hearts mended in just the short time we visited with them. God is so good!

One afternoon, Jasmine and I went out with one of the Pastors and visited a couple of small house churches. We prayed for healing for quite a few peop

le. A couple of highlights: Jasmine prayed for a woman whose left ear was over 95% deaf. After she prayed for her a couple of times, her hearing was completely restored and she was able to hear even a whisper from a distance—she was SHOCKED!! I got to pray for a 15 year old girl named Anna who had a stroke when she was 12, and had lost most feeling and movement in the left half of her body. She couldn’t move her thumb or fingers, her arm just kind of hung there in a bent position, and her leg dragged when she walked. After some prayer, her hand and arm were restored—you should have seen the surprise on her face when she first moved her thumb!! Then her leg received the strength and life of God and she could walk normally, and after overcoming the fear of trying it—she was able to jump again!! Yay, God!!

We haven’t yet totaled the estimated numbers of healings and salvations that our team saw; but I would have to say a couple of thousan

d were healed; and at least a few hundred received Jesus and were born again into eternal life! This was o


e of the most amazing trips we’ve been on, and we are forever changed. We both got pushed out of our comfort z

ones, and into new realms of faith and destiny. We

hope to grow and mature in the Lord some more while here in Redding and move into a lifelong adventure of this type of ministry. Both Jasmine and I can see ourselves eventually returning to the Philippines, and doing ministry there either long-term or repeatedly short-term for the rest of our lives.

Without YOUR help and generous gifts and prayers—none of this would have happened. We bless you for your sacrifice and kind

ness in sending us on this trip, and for covering us in prayer!! Words can scarcely express how gratefu

l we are for God’s goodness expressed through YOU. May God’s blessing rest on you, and may you grow in intimacy and favor with Him, and with man. May He bless your health, families, finances, destinies, and every area of your lives in Jesus’ Name!!! Thank you for

your faithfulness!

Blessings and Favor on You and Yours!!

Josh & Jasmine Greeson

Monday, March 1, 2010

Some Fun Recent Treasure Hunt Testimonies 3-1-10

We just wanted to encourage you with some recent Treasure Hunt testimonies… We don’t get to write down all the testimonies of what God is doing, but we like to share some occasional stories of things we see God doing as we live “supernaturally natural” lives… Enjoy these three little stories and receive the anointing for yourself!! Leak the Kingdom wherever you go!!

Treasure Hunt

We went on a Treasure Hunt with a first year student named Carmen..

On our Treasure Map: “Mall” “man with cowboy hat and mustache.. tall & thin, 60s, long coat” “hip problem with a limp” and “left knee pain”.

We met Brett walking with a cane thru the food court. After explaining the treasure hunt, he told us he is a Bible teacher.. He had injured his back in a fall from a truck 6 years ago, had a botched surgery that ruined nerve function down his left leg causing a “hip problem with a limp” and “left knee pain”, in addition to little if any feeling in the leg, and very little motor function (i.e. he couldn’t even lift his knee while standing still).

We asked him if we could pray for him, and he asked "What if this is like my 'thorn in the flesh'?" Wetalked thru the thorn in the flesh thing his pastor tells him. He received what we said about every instance of the "thorn in the side" or "thorn in the flesh" that we find in the Bible having NOTHING to do with sickness or the body. He also agreed that if Paul's thorn in the flesh was a "messenger of Satan", that he probably didn't want one, so he was open to prayer.

He jumped at least twice during the prayer like power was hitting him, saying “Wow.. I’ve never felt this before” , “I feel tingling in my leg and foot”, etc.. He said the pain all left his back. He still couldn’t move his leg even one inch, so we prayed for new nerve cells to be created and he began moving his leg and he was shocked! Very cool guy.. good love encounter!

Another Treasure Hunt

Went on a Treasure Hunt with another first year student..

On our Treasure Map: “Wal-Mart” “bird chirping” “right foot” “Robert” “asking God to reveal Himself”

We were in WalMart and heard a “bird chirping” (of all things)… looked around and there was a bird that had gotten inside the store and was flying around, perching in the rafters above the health & beauty area. That caught our attention so we stayed there for a few minutes. After a few encounters there and other places, we came back again to where the bird was chirping.

A guy was walking by with a shopping cart and his kids with one of those medical boot things on his right foot.. we figured “bird chirping” and “right foot”.. works for us. Talked to him, found out his name was “Robert”. Explained the Treasure Hunt, showed him our list, and he was shocked. Prayed for healing and got some breakthrough in the pain (He had already had surgery and just needed to get rid of some pain).

But the coolest part was that he said that he and his wife had just been talking for the last week or so about needing to give their lives to God and break the cycle that both of their families had been stuck in. They had already bought a Bible, but couldn’t make much sense of it. They wanted to go to church, but didn’t know where to go.. They had been asking God to show them what to do. He asked me what church I was from and how they could get there. Praise the Lord for Divine Setups!!

A Treasure Hunt Follow-up Testimony!!
We often minister to people on Treasure Hunts or in other situations and then don’t get to find out the full effect of our prayers and ministry to them. Thankfully, on occasion the Lord ensures that we get another contact with them and we find out later.

At the beginning of January, we did a Treasure Hunt and had these clues on our Treasure Map: “Wal-Mart” “girl w/ puffy white vest w/ long sleeves under, short straight blonde hair” “right foot” and “Costco.” Met Kim who exactly matched the description, and who works at “Costco.” She had plantar fascitis in her right foot, which daily caused her extreme pain. We prayed but didn’t see any immediate healing breakthrough.

BUT she said that she had been a Jehovah’s Witness for 5 years, but it had been so heavy, controlling, guilt-ridden, and wrong that she left it a year ago. She said she believed in Jesus and what His sacrifice accomplished, etc.. but didn’t want religion, etc.. We agreed with her basically and prophesied intimacy with God and a fresh vibrant relationship with Jesus and that He would draw Him close to Himself step by step in good time. She was very open, receiving, and blessed.

About a month later, we ran into her, while she was working at Costco. I asked Kim how had her foot been, and she told us that ever since that day we met her and prayed, it hadn’t hurt even once.. She was amazed and very encouraged at God’s love for her!!

WE were very encouraged to see that even though we hadn’t seen any immediate breakthrough when we prayed for her, that the power still got delivered to her, and it took effect after we parted ways. Sometimes we see immediate/instant or creative things happen on the spot (working of miracles), and sometimes we see it happen later, or gradually/progressively over an hour or two, day or two, or whatever (gifts of healings). But any way He likes to do it—we’re glad to see that God always answers prayer. Bless Him for His faithfulness!!

See you when we return from the Philippines!!!
Love & Blessings--
Josh & Jasmine Greeson