Monday, March 1, 2010

Some Fun Recent Treasure Hunt Testimonies 3-1-10

We just wanted to encourage you with some recent Treasure Hunt testimonies… We don’t get to write down all the testimonies of what God is doing, but we like to share some occasional stories of things we see God doing as we live “supernaturally natural” lives… Enjoy these three little stories and receive the anointing for yourself!! Leak the Kingdom wherever you go!!

Treasure Hunt

We went on a Treasure Hunt with a first year student named Carmen..

On our Treasure Map: “Mall” “man with cowboy hat and mustache.. tall & thin, 60s, long coat” “hip problem with a limp” and “left knee pain”.

We met Brett walking with a cane thru the food court. After explaining the treasure hunt, he told us he is a Bible teacher.. He had injured his back in a fall from a truck 6 years ago, had a botched surgery that ruined nerve function down his left leg causing a “hip problem with a limp” and “left knee pain”, in addition to little if any feeling in the leg, and very little motor function (i.e. he couldn’t even lift his knee while standing still).

We asked him if we could pray for him, and he asked "What if this is like my 'thorn in the flesh'?" Wetalked thru the thorn in the flesh thing his pastor tells him. He received what we said about every instance of the "thorn in the side" or "thorn in the flesh" that we find in the Bible having NOTHING to do with sickness or the body. He also agreed that if Paul's thorn in the flesh was a "messenger of Satan", that he probably didn't want one, so he was open to prayer.

He jumped at least twice during the prayer like power was hitting him, saying “Wow.. I’ve never felt this before” , “I feel tingling in my leg and foot”, etc.. He said the pain all left his back. He still couldn’t move his leg even one inch, so we prayed for new nerve cells to be created and he began moving his leg and he was shocked! Very cool guy.. good love encounter!

Another Treasure Hunt

Went on a Treasure Hunt with another first year student..

On our Treasure Map: “Wal-Mart” “bird chirping” “right foot” “Robert” “asking God to reveal Himself”

We were in WalMart and heard a “bird chirping” (of all things)… looked around and there was a bird that had gotten inside the store and was flying around, perching in the rafters above the health & beauty area. That caught our attention so we stayed there for a few minutes. After a few encounters there and other places, we came back again to where the bird was chirping.

A guy was walking by with a shopping cart and his kids with one of those medical boot things on his right foot.. we figured “bird chirping” and “right foot”.. works for us. Talked to him, found out his name was “Robert”. Explained the Treasure Hunt, showed him our list, and he was shocked. Prayed for healing and got some breakthrough in the pain (He had already had surgery and just needed to get rid of some pain).

But the coolest part was that he said that he and his wife had just been talking for the last week or so about needing to give their lives to God and break the cycle that both of their families had been stuck in. They had already bought a Bible, but couldn’t make much sense of it. They wanted to go to church, but didn’t know where to go.. They had been asking God to show them what to do. He asked me what church I was from and how they could get there. Praise the Lord for Divine Setups!!

A Treasure Hunt Follow-up Testimony!!
We often minister to people on Treasure Hunts or in other situations and then don’t get to find out the full effect of our prayers and ministry to them. Thankfully, on occasion the Lord ensures that we get another contact with them and we find out later.

At the beginning of January, we did a Treasure Hunt and had these clues on our Treasure Map: “Wal-Mart” “girl w/ puffy white vest w/ long sleeves under, short straight blonde hair” “right foot” and “Costco.” Met Kim who exactly matched the description, and who works at “Costco.” She had plantar fascitis in her right foot, which daily caused her extreme pain. We prayed but didn’t see any immediate healing breakthrough.

BUT she said that she had been a Jehovah’s Witness for 5 years, but it had been so heavy, controlling, guilt-ridden, and wrong that she left it a year ago. She said she believed in Jesus and what His sacrifice accomplished, etc.. but didn’t want religion, etc.. We agreed with her basically and prophesied intimacy with God and a fresh vibrant relationship with Jesus and that He would draw Him close to Himself step by step in good time. She was very open, receiving, and blessed.

About a month later, we ran into her, while she was working at Costco. I asked Kim how had her foot been, and she told us that ever since that day we met her and prayed, it hadn’t hurt even once.. She was amazed and very encouraged at God’s love for her!!

WE were very encouraged to see that even though we hadn’t seen any immediate breakthrough when we prayed for her, that the power still got delivered to her, and it took effect after we parted ways. Sometimes we see immediate/instant or creative things happen on the spot (working of miracles), and sometimes we see it happen later, or gradually/progressively over an hour or two, day or two, or whatever (gifts of healings). But any way He likes to do it—we’re glad to see that God always answers prayer. Bless Him for His faithfulness!!

See you when we return from the Philippines!!!
Love & Blessings--
Josh & Jasmine Greeson