Saturday, May 23, 2009

Treasure Hunt 5-22-2009

Tonight Jaz and I went out on a Treasure Hunt with two other people from school. We had a half-dozen good encounters, and wanted to share a couple of them…

Episode 1

Our team had “Sundial”, “Bridge”, “pink shirt” and “lab” as four of our clues on our Treasure Map. We met a lady named Chelsea wearing a “pink shirt”, walking across the “Sundial Bridge” with a guy and they were walking their “lab(rador)”. So we explained the Treasure Hunt and ended up praying for her about her relationship with her son, and we prayed for the guy about his back pain. Before we prayed, if he bent over, when he stood back up, his back would have pain. After praying twice, the pain was gone and he could touch his toes! Nice!

Episode 2

I had on my list “Two shirts on—one green and one white”. We saw this lady on a “bench” (also on our map) with the two shirts on, sitting with another lady. We explained what we were doing and she told us her name is “Carol”, which Jasmine had on her map. She asked us to pray for her son and we did. We had fun with her friend Heather and their husbands who had joined us while praying.

Episode 3

Then we were leaving the Bridge, and I saw the “guy, 22-ish, with red T-shirt and blue jeans” from my list… He was another student also out doing a Treasure Hunt, and his name was “Mike”, which Jasmine had on her map! We prayed for his popping shoulder and didn’t get any breakthrough. We also prayed for his “financial need for college” which we also had on our list, and he was getting rocked by God’s presence… Get him, God!

Episode 4

Three of us had written down “Starbucks” on our maps, so we headed there. We were walking down the sidewalk, and there was a couple sitting in chairs there and as we passed I overheard the woman say “…treasure hunt…” and that’s all I heard. I thought, “What are the odds of that?” So I said, “Sorry to interrupt you, but did you just say ‘treasure hunt’?” They said that they were talking about doing a treasure hunt for their upcoming VBS (Vacation Bible School) at their church. I explained that WE were on a Treasure Hunt too, what that means, and asked if they wanted prayer for anything. They were the Children’s Pastors of a local Foursquare Church, and asked for prayer for the VBS. We prayed some things prophetically that bore witness with them and they were blessed. We also found out that the husband has MS (Multiple Schlerosis). I relayed a testimony I heard last night from one of the pastors at Bethel that “Within the last WEEK, we have had THREE reports of people totally healed of MS—God is up to something!!” They were encouraged by that so we prayed for him too and he was very touched, although there was nothing we could test out on the spot. But they were very blessed that God had arranged this divine appointment! God I thank you for touching and healing Blake’s body, in Jesus’ Name!!

All in all, a good night!

Episode 5

While we’re talking Treasure Hunts, I’ll tell you another quick one from earlier this week… I went to Wal-Mart to get an oil change. They said it would be about 25 minutes, so I figured I’d do a quick Treasure Hunt while I waited. I asked the Lord to show me who he wanted to bless today in the store. He showed me an image of a “woman, 20ish, with pale yellow horizontal stripes on a white, sleeveless, button-up shirt”, so I wrote it down on my paper and went to find her. After wandering around the store for a few minutes, I saw a girl with that shirt on, walking towards me with a guy. She said “Hi” to me, and I asked if I knew her and she said she recognized me from church. I said “Cool, you go to Bethel too, so I don’t have to explain what a Treasure Hunt is to you right?” She said no. So I said, “Cool, well, YOU are my treasure. I showed her the clues on the map and she was stoked. She said she had a problem with her joints being easily dislocated, specifically her “hip and knee”, which was on my map next to her description. I prayed for her, but she hadn’t been having problems right at the moment, so there was no way to test it out. Then we prayed together for her guy friend who was in need of some direction and he was very blessed! They both were!
Just a reminder that we’ve got to try to make the most of every moment! Let God use you wherever you may find yourself… Your oil changes—or DMV visits, or grocery shopping—will never be the same!

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